Pro uživatele
Kontact offers countless features and options. To find out about them you can read some of the handbooks:
- Kontact Handbook
- KMail Handbook
- KOrganizer Handbook
- Akregator Handbook
- More handbooks, also in other languages...
Potřebujete pomoci?
Check the Kontact & PIM subforum on KDE Forums, maybe someone has already solved a similar problem. And if not, feel free to ask there!
You can also ask on #kontact IRC channel on Libera Chat. If you prefer email communication, you can ask on the kdepim-users mailing list.
Nalezli jste chybu?
Bugs in software happen. If you found some in Kontact, please report them into our Bugzilla. Please do not report bugs on forums or mailing lists — such reports will most likely be overlooked or forgotten by the developers quite soon. To make sure the bug gets noticed by developers and fixed as soon as possible, report it into Bugzilla.
Chybí vám nějaká funkce?
Kontact has a lot of features, but there’s always a room for one or two more. If you have an idea for an improvement or you are missing a feature in Kontact, write your suggestion in our Bugzilla so that the developers can find it and implement it.