Jauzi edukira


Kontact unifies all our PIM applications into a single window to give you the best possible experience and boost your productivity. With Kontact you can use all the tools of our powerful suite in one place. Unlike proprietary web applications we value your privacy and support open standards, which is why Kontact gives you full control over your data. You can of course also access your data offline if you want to.

Irakurri gehiago



KMail is a state-of-the-art email client that integrates well with widely used email providers like GMail. It provides many tools and features to maximize your productivity and makes working with large email accounts easy and fast. KMail supports a large variety of email protocols - POP3, IMAP, Microsoft Exchange (EWS) and more.

Irakurri gehiago



«KAddressBook»ek zure kontaktuak erraz kudeatzeko aukera ematen dizu. «Kontact»eko gainerako atalekin sakonki bateratuta egonik, e-posta bat bidaltzean edo bilera baterako gonbidapen bat sortzean zure kontaktuak erraz hautatzen uzten dizu.

Irakurri gehiago



KOrganizer is a powerful and feature-rich organizer, event and todo manager that integrates well with the rest of Kontact, especially with KMail.

Irakurri gehiago



Akregator RSS jario irakurle bat da. Zure gune gogokoetatik RSS jarioak zama-jaitsi ditzake eta artikuluak irakurtzeko aukera ematen dizu, lerroz kanpo zaudenean ere. Gainera bilaketa-funtzionaltasun aberatsak eta artxibatzeko ezaugarriak ditu.

Irakurri gehiago



Astelehena, 2024(e)ko irailak 2

July and August in KDE PIM

Here's our bi-monthly update from KDE's personal information management applications team. This report covers progress made in July and August 2024. Since the last report, 32 people have contributed over 1300 changes to the KDE PIM code base. Irakurri gehiago
Osteguna, 2024(e)ko uztailak 4

May and June in KDE PIM

Here's our bi-monthly update from KDE's personal information management applications team. This report covers progress made in the months of May and June 2024. Since the last report 38 people have contributed over 1500 changes to KDE PIM code base. Irakurri gehiago
Asteartea, 2024(e)ko maiatzak 7

March and April in KDE PIM

Here's our bi-monthly update from KDE's personal information management applications team. This report covers progress made in the months of March and April 2024. Since the last report, 36 people contributed more than 1300 code changes. Irakurri gehiago
Asteartea, 2024(e)ko martxoak 5

January and February in KDE PIM

Here's our bi-monthly update from KDE's personal information management applications team. This report covers progress made in the months of January and February 2024. Since the last report, 34 people contributed approximately 1742 code changes, focusing on bugfixes and improvements for the coming 24. Irakurri gehiago
📢 Ikusi albiste guztiak